Karpal Vancouver - Dungeness Crabs

 Dungeness Crabs

The image you see was taken from aboard "Tiger Alpha" some moons ago in the outer reaches of the Vancouver harbour. What I am holding are two male dungenesses. [That's a lot of ss!] Their carapace is roughly 20 cms. The meat is to die for [drown in my case].

The range of the dungeness crabs is from California, all along the coast of British Columbia right up to Alaska. That's where other bad boys take over.

Years ago they were called Spider Crabs due to their humongous size. Yep, nobody wanted to eat them, for as you know, we all grew up watching movies of giant spiders grabbing heroines and dragging them into their dark and murky recesses while the heroes angrily [understandably] yet vainly attempted to rescue their Saturday night dates. Until one heck of a smart publisher and marketing agent suggested that renaming them as King Crab would make them more desirable.

Overnight the crabbers became millionaires. Stands to reason that a fragile natural resource when subjected to intense industrial pressure the outcome is predictable. We in BC protect our natural resources in a balanced manner. The same cannot be said what is happening in Alaska. Give you a little hint. If after reading this should you suddenly have an inexplicably intense desire to gulp down a red King Crab in a restaurant, I seriously advise you to check your bank balance first.

Rats!!! I'm outta apricot brandy already, and the night's going to be long.


Please click on the link below to view post by Joanita on
Dungeness Crabs

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P.S.  --- Benny writes - Who's that handsome guy in the photo above.

Karpal has his own cruiser and enjoys big time fishing. As we remember Karpal as a great hockey player in Zanzibar, he has a big reputation for big game fishing in Vancouver, and entertaining friends on his super boat.

More postings will follow.


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That's a pink salmon for the evening barbecue. Guess who I borrowed those jack boots and military trousers from?  Correct answer will get the nod.


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